martes, 16 de diciembre de 2014

Children´s book and activity



The night before tells the story of a boy who sees a dragon coming into his house. The boy hides under the bed and the dragon looked for him all over the house. Finally, when the dragon finds the boy, the boy realizes that the drake only wanted to be his friend. 


The children have to make a Power Point , formed by five slides:

Here is the explanation and the examples:

The first one has to contain: Title, name, surname and grade.
The second one has to contain: Description of the boy and a picture of a little boy.
The third one has to contain: Description of the drake and a picture of a dragon.
The fourth one has to contain: The answer of this question, “What could you do if a dragon is near to you?"
The fifth one has to contain: five unknown words of the book with each translations.